Chaos Creation (RP Topic)

“Well that’s where you’re wrong. I could survive a lot more pain then any of you could.”

“Where in kharzani am I!? How did I get here??”

“Slow down there… I just realized I don’t know you’re name.
Beside the point, the lady’s just trying to help. There’s no need for arguments.”

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“Most likely.”

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Orbis wakes up and begins to head towards the group

“I’m the amazing Nexus, Toa of lasers! And I don’t want to be lead blindly to my death. Not that I would die.”

“Of course.”

OOC- @Runa Can we remember past roleplays?
Ic- “Well im Echo, Reaper of the Undead! How do you suppose we got here?”

Nexus waves his fingers. “Magic.” He replies sarcastically.

“since we’re introducing are selves, I’m Jal, nothing more nothing less.”


Echo laughs, he dosnt quite know why though.

“hi jal”

Nexus stands up, and begins pacing again.

“is it just me or is everybody here some kinda super something. What I’m trying to say is everyone who showed up here seems to be super-powered, the only problem with that is me. I’m pretty much nobody. I’m not sure what I’m trying to say but maybe somebody understands.”

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OOC: sure, I guess.

IC: “Well in Runa.” Runa introduces himself.

“Now that introductions are out of the way.” Kogara says. "Hopefully the water will be gone soon.

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“Well yeah, of course everyone would be inferior when conpared to me. Don’t feel too bad though, that’s just how it is.”

“Hey Runa.”

Runa sighs at Nexus’ narcissism. “Y’know, I wanted to like you, I really did, but it seems that just can’t happen.” He looks to Echo. “Hi Echo.”

Jal mumbles to himself: “don’t get angry at him that’s what he wants.”

“What I meant was EVERYONE seems to be super-powered.”

OOC: this was meant to be a response to omega_tahu.

Well, if i were to actual have a sense of control, sure, but as of now, i have practially no powers

“welcome to the club.”

“So what exactly is this place anyways?”