Chapter One : The voices in my head

Quick thing i just want to say this is the first bit of creative writing i have done in a while so i might be a bit rusty, im also dyslexic so :l i hope you like it and if you want more i will make a second chapter , so yeah thanks :slight_smile:
Chapter One
Wake Up my child you have many great things to achieve, many hurdles to cross; now go and defeat the light…
In the beginning there were two brothers, whom once were almost joined at the hip, but then one grew jealous of the other and threw him into a great slumber, or that’s what they always told you. What they always said in the legends… but the legends are wrong… this is the true story…
Two brothers lived in harmony over an unknown land, and all its magical and mysterious creatures. They created so much in such a short period of time and they were overcome by the feeling of pride as they looked down upon their new world, but one of the brothers became envious of the other, spiteful for how he could control fate and who would fall to the darkness and who would not … so he designed a mischievous plan to get rid of his so called… brother.
He knew at first he had to get the people to hate his brother, but love him… To achieve this he knew of only one thing to do, he implanted his mind, essence and soul into a dark forged mask, crafted from Enchanted gold, the most powerful and traitorous metal known to the island of Makuta-Nui .
With this mask he was able to still communicate with the Matoran’s the brothers had given life too one to many years ago. He claimed that his brother had put his body into a deep slumber and was to soon the islands fate will follow…
The people became fearful of the brother, no longer calling him a God. They ripped down all his statues; cast his once bright image into the darkness.
The brother knew he would never get his once glowing name back, and cast darkness across the land. He did not do this to hurt or scare the people, he knew that the enchanted metal glows like a million stars in the night sky, and now this way he can find his brothers soul and reclaim his title as the true God Teridax…
“What’s Wrong with me, who am I? Why am I on this sand? Wait is that people? Hey you come over here!! Hey you!! DON’T IGNORE ME!!!”
“Hey Gali, can you hear that god awful screeching?”
“Yes maybe it’s a washed up Rahi just ignore it”
“Don’t worry il go put it outs its pore existence… Ha come look at this Gali this pathetic crumbling piece of junk, how is this even alive hahahah”
“Look at it Tahu hahaha it’s screeching at us hah”
“Don’t just stand there?!?! Help me please; I don’t know who I am, what I am. Please help me…. Stop laughing at me!! Do you even understand what I’m saying…? HELP ME PLEASE!”
“Actually Tahu don’t you think it looks slightly like a Bohrok? Maybe it’s a new breed; we cannot have any more of them working for our dark lords brother can we…”
As Tahu was about to pierce the head of this deformed beast it let out a huge scream and started to glow with unimaginable amounts of dark light… As Tahu and Gali were thrown back, there masks were thrown into the now glowing vortex what was showing itself in front of them… As the twister died down, a small, humanoid looking Toa stood there, he was wearing Tahus Hau Nuva but it had now changed, became a faded dark red… to actually think about it his whole body was this faded red.
“What’s this voice? Who are you? WHY ARE YOU IN MY HEAD?”
“Tahu this is the one the dark lord told us about… the one his brother would send one day, and it seems he is going crazy… We need to go report this to our lord”
“But the Masks, he can’t get away with this…”
“Leave them; our lord will get them back…”
“BUT…… Ok let’s go then!”
With that the two mysterious beings had left into the shadows.
“Wake Up my child you have many great things to achieve, many hurdles to cross; now go and defeat the light…”
“Who are you?”
“It doesn’t matter who I am my child, it matters who you are, and you are now free to roam this land as you please. I am only here to guide you… you can pick a path were you are a hero to this island and bring peace with you, or you can become infamous and take a path of evil… I will always be in your head if you need my child, just call me in your head and I shall answer, now go and make your own destiny Origan Toa of possession…

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Wow, that’s quite good! I’d like to see more!

The lack of punctuation in some areas makes it a little difficult to read

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@Mrblackpants Ok il recheck it and add what is needed
@darkbrick999 thanks :slight_smile:

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