Chein, son of protodax

name : Chein
species : son of Protodax
power : chain creation and control
weapons : launching blades
universe : Nah’ayara
place : Protodax planet and Krunaria plot

This mighty warrior got the power to control the chains he creates and, thanks to that technique, makes his two blades move as he want to surprise his opponents.

This moc isn’t completed yet because of missing chain pieces (yep, ironic) linking his blades.


Ehhhh… what is this exactly


well, a snake like hunter

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Looks pretty messy and the head doesn’t fit with the rest of the body.

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Honestly I’m impressed you got it to stand. Chein doesn’t exactly have a solid base.

It’s a uniquely shaped build inhibited by its backstory. Try ignoring what you’ve written so far and work on making the MOC as good as it can possibly get. For instance, try making his lower portion less gappy, and try to add a little more orange and yellow to his overall colourscheme.

I think this MOC’s got a lot of potential, it just needs to be implemented properly.