Chronicles of Narnia Books/Movies Topic

@Spiderus_Prime Yes I do, and if you know it too, then probably we will be the best friends ever on this board :smile:

@Toa_Vladin Even though they are short, they are worth to read. They are like 200 pages, but there are 7 books. If you consider that “short” then you are the best reader ever. Trust me, you should at least try them out… You won’t regret it :wink:

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Secret? Do you mean the obvious parallels to the Bible? I wouldn’t consider that secret.

On a more topical note, I have read every book and watched very movie. C. S. Lewis was truly a master of wordcraft. And lets not forget the stellar Audio Book format by Focus on the Family. Regardless of your religious leanings, these are some of the best book to sound adaptations you will hear.

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I perfectly agree. There were actually many books written about C.S Lewis’s personal life and how a master Storyteller he was.

Also, I think we should move the topic for now twords that rumored Silver Chair Movie. Does anyone know anything about it? And what will you expect from it?

It has been in the making since Dawn Treader was out of theaters. I doubt any movie plagued with that kind of delay will hold up. Now that I hear the rights have moved to Netflix, I am even more discouraged, as they will surely chose most any other movie of this.

So, are they still makeing it or did they just give up with Netflix takeing over?

Not sure, all I heard is Netflix is taking over.

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Clive Staples Lewis was and remains a fascinating and inspirational intellectual, author and veteran of the First Great War.
The Chronicles of Narnia are first and foremost, literature for children. The premise of Narnia was based on C.S. Lewis’ childhood fantasies and amateur writings, and the younger the audience member the stronger the connection to the young characters, their real-world plights and their fantastic escape to Narnia. He wrote himself in as a character (Diggory Kirk, I believe).
Lewis claimed to be the most reluctant convert of them all, but largely thanks to J.R.R. Tolkien Christian bookstores are still selling Lewis’ reflections on life, conscience and faith.
He also wrote a sci-fi trilogy for more mature readers, if you’ve started to outgrow Narnia.

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@Mavrah Yeah, Out of the Silent Planet also seems like a good book. There is also a whole trilogy for it.

For those who think Narnia is a book which is too much for kids, you should try this book out, to see how good of an Author Lewis is… addressing your age, if you consider Narnia to be for Kids.

I usually read books of 600 pages. The shorter ones bore me.

Short can sometimes be more effective then you think. And if is how you say, why did you fail at reading LotR?

Because of the complex way Tolkien have wrote them. I said that I read 600 paged books, but not LotR. Plus, those books are over 700 pages.

Only books between 600 and 700 pages?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is in the area of 400 pages each.

That is true. The highest LOTR gets is 500 pages, but is only 400 on average

Huh, I thought they are longer.

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Narnia fan checking in! Loved the books as a kid, and need to re-read them in the original publication order (the numbering system most current editions use is, in a word, wrong. :stuck_out_tongue: )

I loved the first movie, but the second two were fairly disappointing for me–I thought they made too many changes and lost a lot of the essence of the books (especially Prince Caspian, though to be fair, the book has a very unconventional structure and must be challenging to adapt.)

I kind of like the old BBC adaptions from the late 80s/early 90s. I haven’t seen their LWW, and I thought their VDT was dull, but The Silver Chair really worked for me (in part because it features the illustrious Tom Baker as Puddleglum!)

I’ve also been dipping into Lewis’s other books over the last few years…the firsts two Space Trilogy books are wonderful (didn’t make it through the last one, which I hope to remedy eventually), and Till We Have Faces may be Lewis’ greatest literary accomplishment.


Wait… Where there other adaptations besides the three movies?

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Huh… I guess I should watch it than… Expecially The Silver Chair, since I always wanted an adaptation of that book! Is it on Netflix or somewhere?

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Note, the BBC adaptations are like 1 for 1 recreations of the books, so they can feel a little slow at times.


I don’t know. I got them from my local library, for what it’s worth.

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