So, chuggaa here is one of my favorite YouTubers, and I don’t think he has his own topic, so I figured it was about time! He’s a mainly Nintendo gaming channel with an amazing(ly terrible) sense of humor, so discuss him here!
I discovered Chuggaaconroy through NintendoCapriSun, funnily enough. I have enjoyed his work greatly ever since, but I must admit that he’s funniest when he’s co-commentating with Jon or Masae.
Agreed, and funnily enough the exact opposite happened to me. I found TRG and Masae through Chuggaa.
Best. Let’s Play. Channel. Ever.
Or at least in my opinion.
In all seriousness, his puns are half of what keeps me going, along with the fact that he really tries to explain everything about the game, even when it goes poorly.
Plus, he actually likes PokeMon Colosseum, which he gets major brownie points for.
His Xenoblade LP was an endurance test, one I thankfully survived.
Also Mario Party 3 Sexy Bowser for president 2020
His Thousand Year Door playthrough is what made me realize the beauty of Let’s Plays.
Plus the dude is a legend with bad puns.
He’s definitely in my top five lpers, though not #1, that prize goes to Jon “MATN”, but that’s a discussion for another topic,
I digress,
I actually went out and got kid Icarus: Uprising halfway through his lp.
I would definitely recommend his paper Mario lp’s, as well as, well, probably all of his lp’s after a certain point, the beginning is painful.
“Draw me like one of your French Koopas.”
To be fair, I think Tim was the one who said that line, but it’s still relevant because of Emile’s obsession with Bowser (though it’s not as bad as Lucah’s).
Emile’s more obsessed with Wario than Bowser I believe. “Doh, I missed!”
I discovered his channel looking for thousand year door stuff. His LPs got me to be interested in games like Uprising and Xenoblade, even to the point where I stopped watching his LPs to experience it before hand. He also gave me a large introduction to Pokémon as a whole.
I enjoy watching his gameplay, especially the underrated ip.
His PokeMon LPs are the cream of the crop. Either that or cream of the crap. In either case, they’re endlessly entertaining, and are some of my favorite LPs on his channel.
I know. I’m glad he’s doing Splatoon, it’s a great game and more people should be exposed to.
He referenced RvB in Splatoon Ep. 2.
+many respect points
Chuggaa makes a lot of awesome references. For someone who misses as many pop culture references as he does, he also makes a lot of really good ones.
I’ve seen trg play wheel of fortune, I think you’ve greatly understated chugga’s ability to miss obvious references
Calibrary cuff.
Never forget.
This is the same guy who thought the word “vernacular” meant something very different, so Chuggaa derping on easy or obvious things is par for the course.
Anyone else already miss Bob?