Recently I’ve started on a sort of side-project that vaguely ties into my planned rewrite of the G1 story; basically, attempting to create 3d, vaguely movie-styled versions of the Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal. (Which will have different builds from one another!)
I’ve only got the arms and legs thus far, but I will be starting in on the Kal body soon, and it occurred to me that I’m going to have to try to recreate the unique printed scale/comet patterns on each of their headplates. Thus, I naturally turned toward google to see if I could find a scan or something upon which I could base my recreation, but there were no usable results, just some photos of the piece that were too far to get the proper detail on the scales.
So my question is, has anybody tried scanning in the patterns on the faceplates, and if so, could you consider sending them my way? If not, I have my own Kal I could try it with, but I just wanted to check here first. Thank you for your time.
The topic name is extremely misleading. it suggests that you are providing the scans, not requesting them. I would suggest changing it to something more indicative of the content
If anything, it looks like I deleted a bunch of stuff, right? What the heck am I thinking?
After looking at those other screenshots, I realized the limbs I had before were way out of proportion to the set. More importantly, they just plain didn’t look right, connected to the huge shield and elbow; and my attempts to fix that with those fin-looking extrusions not only didn’t help at all, but said fins clipped through basically everything. I decided to make the arm segments thicker to deal with this, and include an extra hinge on the elbows to help with some positioning issues, but that also meant that as a consequence, I had to rework the connections all across the board.
I got the shield taken care of (and in fact fixed a few other issues with my original design in the process) but I have yet to rework the feet and hip/shoulder parts. The feet in particular will be difficult due to having less space to work with now, but I have some ideas - I just need to find the time to put them into action. Maybe once HF Mafia is finished, I can devote some more time to that.
This is another thing I need to work on again. I may just redo everything from the ground up; I think one of my mistakes was in trying to build the limbs first, when I should probably start with the torso and head.