Unfortunately this was difficult with pink being nonexistent and my low collection of mata red so I switched to orange. Also I think we all know anime to bionicle doesn’t translate well ussually so I did my best to get her hair and lighter color as the main details. I guess just consider her a bionicle 2015 version of the design.
Btw it’s better if you reply to the actual post you want to reply instead of the topic, otherwise people won’t get a notification of your reply, just like I didn’t.
Not to disagree but I’m not seeing all the colors. Orange and yellow armor with silver and trans red highlights and gold mask and purple hair. Seems pretty normal for gen 2minus the 2 different yellows.
I’ll be honest. I do not like this MOC. But I think you can improve it by:
Having more of a color scheme… The colors are everywhere and I think that it makes it unique, makes it ugly and an eye sore.
Using a different mask… This is kinda going with my first point. Having the infected Onua mask is a good concept, but the mask doesn’t go with the color scheme. Perhaps use gold in the color scheme or loose the mask entirely.
I don’t think this is a bad MOC, I think it just needs some work.