Community Gametime: Mario Kart 8(2/28)

NNID: dapwuts_revenge3

You skrubz will get rekt.


You’ll wish you could still be called a Kohlii head when I’m done with you.

Also @legofan3225, could I get your NNID?



legofan905 on Wii U. (I accidentaly registered my standard username and forgot the password… lol). I think I sent you a request already though…

I will join in this race

Once again, incentive for me to get a WiiU D:

U rly shood, m8
Wii U ges tha gaems that’r 10/10

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GhotiH if there’s room and I have time.

Oops, I made a goof.
I used my user Mii’s name, not my account name.
My account is Sm1thFam1ly

Will get around to adding peoples tonight (today?).

EDIT: And everyone is added. @legofan3225, you’re not showing up as having added me, so pls do so at some point before Saturday/just accept the friend request. Actually, everyone besides Indigo and Hewkii do that, por favor

(For those unaware, to check friend requests, go to the home menu, and hit the orange smily emoticon box icon that says “friend list” under it)



I’ve been thinking about other gametimes we could do on Nintendo stuff, like Smash Wii U tournament, or maybe a group of people could do some multiplayer missions in Xenoblade X when that comes out.

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If we could get around to organizing that a smash tournament would be pretty sweet…

We actually did run a Smash Tournament over Christmas Break, and it went fairly well. I’ll definitely be running one over the summer as well. I’d do them more often if I could, but past experience has taught me trying to do non staggered tournaments is a terrible idea, and staggered tournaments over the school year is almost as bad, because people inevitably get bogged down and can’t find time to work out with their partner at some point.


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Fair point. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for it this summer then :smiley:

@Onyx_ @Legofan3225 @legofan3225 @HewkiiDaKohliiHead @Indigogeek @GhotiH

Just a reminder for the party tonight. 7 PM in 4 hours!


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can i join

i have a potato in the fridge that I could try loading a game onto

I wouldn’t try, Mario Kart kept crashing my potato.


Time’s up!

And room is open…

Feel free to join.


EDIT: So for some reason, there’s no way to talk to people before selecting a course…and that’s obnoxious. Sorry about room remake.

Double EDIT: Welp so much for that. Anyone wondering why we don’t do more community game nights, this is precisely why. People say they’ll show up, and they never do (with the exception of one guy)

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My internet is being bad. BRB.

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I’m sorry, I just bought some sets and then lost track of time.
I’ll be better next time :cry: