Community Gametime: Mario Kart 8(2/28)


Seems to be fairly par for the course around here


I’d like to join


Is it still up…? I was at a debate tournament, and it went WAY late. I’m really sorry if I missed it… :frowning:

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Nope, we’re closed now. Only one person showed up for like 30 minutes, and as much as I enjoy sitting around in a waiting room spamming the “hello” text option, I had other things I wanted to do.

With that said, since this topic is now bunk, I’m totally repurposing it.

Debate is fantastic and you are now 100% cooler for being part of it


Haha, sorry again then. Hopefully we could at least play smash bros sometime :smiley:

On the bright side I qualified for state tho…

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Sorry man, I had work tonight :frowning:

Also, “The…H Man?” as my title? I would think something in reference to how you pronounce my username (fish, followed by my initial) would come up, like “the shark” or “the sea creature” or something :stuck_out_tongue:

I would have been there! :cry:

Can we do this again?
I wanna play. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got Marty Karty but no one wants to party :’(


I’ll play. I’m always in the mood for Mayro Krat.