I feel like this could be a fun source of inspiration for a Kaita.
Can I reserve 17?
Wait a minute…we got Dark green rahkshi head from the Rahaga, we got Dark green rahkshi feet from Kongu…and there is a dark green Kraata case thing? I did not know a dark green Rahkshi was possible, you learn something every day!
Hnnnnggh you’re going to make me buy more parts
Realize I’ve been radio silent on this front, so I just wanted to reassure that I am working on my entry. My only delay has been that it seems like my Panrahk is lost to the limbo known only as “the postal service.” Once that shows up I’ll be able to crack out my entry. In the meantime, I quickly whipped something up in Stud.io to show a rough idea of what I’m going for. I’m pretty happy with how Turahk and Panrahk are utilized, but Lerahk still needs some work. I think flipping it over so that its shell is its underbelly and rearranging the legs would work, but any suggestions in that regard would be greatly appreciated!
Hmm currently this design looks like it would be very difficult to support weight IRL. I’m not sure that 4 legs would be enough with how forward shifted that weight is, or if the slizer arms would be able to support those torsos
Spitballing here, but perhaps you could use the additional lerahk legs to help hold the other ones up somehow?
Are the rahkshi spines and kraata cases available in default stud.io?
The backs are, the spines are not.
All Rahkshi parts are available in default stud.io except for the spines and the kraata.
That’s a good thought about the upper weight, I hadn’t considered that. A sort of back support strut would probably help, though pieces wise I’m not sure how it would work out.
I had envisioned the model using all six legs, but ran out of blacks pins to connect the extra pair in the manner I did with the first two pairs. I think it’s certainly doable, but it will be easier for me to work out how once I get all three in-hand.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Not sure if it works. It’s main problem is that it needs a stand and that it has to have a more or less straight surface to stand on with it.
and another problem is that I suck at posing and messed up some stuff
It should fit the size rules.
I also notice that this piece is present, which is not included in any of the Rahkshi sets. (Unless you are excluding this from the actual moc?)
I’d like to take a crack at Kaita 19.
Yes. None of the pieces from the stand are counted as part of the moc.
It is yours!
If I’m interpreting that correctly, is that a Kaita that flies/floats? If so, that’s a really fun and unique take!
Yup thats correct
I wish I had rahkshi
Y’know, these are just the alternate possible combos for Rahkshi Kaita. Its the same six colors as all of the other base sets. You could use this as a template for all of the other sets out there for Kaita combos. Mata, Nuva, Bohrok, etc.
Edit: Bumping to check on
I will post it either as soon as the weather gets good or I’m having time to take out the Photobox. I’m probably gonna try tomorrow.
Panrahk’s arrived from limbo, so it’s just a matter of finding time to work on it. Fingers crossed for, if not this weekend, then by the end of next week getting it done.