Kardas the once devastating monster of Vezon has found new life after years of death and decay. In Xavious061’s alternate ending to the original Bionicle Saga the corrupt Ignika has blessed the long dead Kardas with new life with the purpose of guarding the Vahi. Disclaimer: It is supposed to be “Gappy” because Kardas is supposed to be a re-animated skeleton of its former self.
(that is the upside of Reanimation)
This is cool. I like the use of the Hali Mahri blade as horns. I think it would be even cooler if you added chains to it. (IMO)
Woah, spooky scary skele-Kardas! Nice job, I like it!
I did consider chains, but all my chains went on to my Terridax guardian of the corrupt Ignika moc. Thanks for the feedback.
It’s worse than awful, it’s Terri-dax.
At first I thought this was the actual set recolored! Great job! Is it as big as the normal one?
It stands a little taller than a moc I based off Toa Mata Nui. Probably.
Awesome MOC! The whole undead vibe is pulled off well and he looks very intimidating. Also something about those horns on his head remind me of KylerNuva’s MOC, Tazzuk.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! DELICIOUS!
DUDE THIS IS AWESOME!!! Like seroiusly 9/10
My only complaint about this MOC is that it is hard to tell what is what for me. But other than that, it’s pretty cool.
oh crap I haven’t commented on this yet
I think it looks pretty cool, from the picture alone I could tell it was some form of Kardas, it’s even symmetrical and fairly coherent, i like it a lot
Wow surprisedface
I love it
I’ve always been a fan of undead dragons.
Overall I think it looks good but I don´t know how to feel about those legs, they´re kind of weird.
Great Spirit it’s bonetail!
Seriously, great job with this.
I see what you mean, sometimes I look at it sitting on my shelf and think the same thing. What I was trying to do was make it look beastal and dragon like. I had image searched animals and dragons and I came up with the design from my research. I had to use the pistons for support though because without them it had trouble standing.