Could a Toa of Gravity with the Nui Stone create a black hole or act as a living warp drive?

Could a Toa of Gravity with the Nui Stone create a black hole or act as a living warp drive? I am fairly certain that while close real world physics and bionicle physics are not exactly 1 to 1 so idk how toa of gravity and relativity would go with each other but I was just curious to see if maybe the G man himself had any insight

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Toa of gravity can create a black whole when they do a nova blast. It could be that nui stone is enough since nuhvok-kal became a singularity after beign fed the energy of only six toa nuva.

I doupt he will answer the warp drive idea since warp drive does not exist or, the very least, has not been mentioned in the story.


Oh ok cool. I mention warp drive based on irl physics stuff where one would hypothetically work by bending space time and gravity is the curvature of space time. I feel like the implications of that is that if it is anything like real life black holes, a toa of gravity’s nova blast would probably take out the whole MU as well as maybe the whole solis magna solar system. Neat

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I happen to believe we will achieve this.

In transformers idw one of Shockwaves experiments created a permanent blackhole on cybertron. It destroyed an entire city. But since its mass was only the size of a city it didn’t destroy cybertron.

Similarly Nuhvok Kal did not destroy mata nui since black hole he was sucked into is only the size of Nuhvok kal.

Altough Nui stone powered nova blast would mimic gravity of a VERY large mass. And most likely destroy a huge chuck of the MU if not it all


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