Covetous Prince

They say the prince’s desire to take from his own subjects grew like a weed, robbing them day by day…

Until one morning, his once beautiful figure finally reflected his vile heart…

A prince turned demon who now torments the subjects of his kingdom, taking everything he can get his claws on for himself.

More Photos:
Brickshelf Gallery

Took inspiration for the design from Doc Ock from Spider-man, the clothing of the Akatsuki from Naruto, and all the neat Krana faced MOCs I’ve seen people post throughout the years. Super fun build for me, I had been fiddling with Krana faced MOCs for a while before Bio-Cup and this feels like the final phase of all those other ones. Only getting around to posting this now because I was too busy during the actual prelims with life to get it up here.

Constructive criticism welcome!


the lighting makes it a little bit hard to see but still looks really good


reminds me of the gloom hands from Totk

nice moc


Getting hard core God Hand vibes, especially reminds me of Void. Really really cool.


Thanks! I really botched the lighting, was in a rush to get photos since a ton of real life stuff came up, and the bottom really just kind of blends together. Might end up just redoing them in the future.

Thank you! I actually had not gotten to the gloom hands yet in the game, but having seen them since, gonan have to agree that there’s a bunch of similarities

Huh, I totally can see it. I actually haven’t read Berserk, but definitely have played/read/watched a lot of things inspired by it and seen some of the art before too. Kind of uncanny how the God Hand could easily be my major source of influence for the build, even though they were not. Probably should get around to reading it one day, probably a lot of great material to draw from in the manga. Thanks for the nice comment!