A mutant bandicoot who fights the forces of the evil Doctor Neo Cortex in Sony’s Crash Bandicoot platforming series.
What are the eyes made from?
I can’t believe what I’m seeing.
They are minifigure shields with no printing.
But how are those black dots on the shields then? Custom painted or something?
I used a hole punch on a sticker sheet.
Crash for Smash, Crash for Smash, CRASH FOR SMASH
eheh, don’t mind me and my pipe dreams
This looks fantastic as always, I honestly wonder how you manage this shaping sometimes. And honestly, with those legs the way they are, the prototype placeholder name for the first game is quite appropriate
This is amazing but disturbs me.
Now this… is perfect.
The legs being skinny jeans instead of bell-bottom shorts is inaccurate, and the eye shaping just feels off. But everything else is absolutely excellent.
Genius work as always, you mad lad.
This is n. sane.
Maybe, but the bit of his legs showing through the bottom is so minimal it might as well just be simplified.
This MOC is excellent! I almost thought it was some kind of render when I first saw it!
Incredible parts usage!
I’m amazed you were able to achieve that smile, more than anything.
Dang. This is really well done, and insanely clever parts usage.