Creating vs. Joining A Podcast

There are several podcasts here on the boards. Cliff Horse Crew, TTV, and Brotherhood of Makuta are the one’s I know of. All of you out there in podcasts, most of you joined the podcast after it was already created. Some of you were the starters of said podcast. My thing is, would you rather create a podcast? Or join an already existing one?
I for one, would love to be in a podcast, but don’t want to create one. So I’m asking this.
Also, if you are not in a podcast, still drop an opinion.

P.S. I forgot what I was gonna put here, but I’m too lazy to delete the “P.S.”


I don’t have my own podcast, though if I were to be involved with podcasts I’d rather join one that currently exists which shares similar interest to me, as creating yet another podcast about BIONICLE doesn’t feel all that original to me.

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I would personally want to join a podcast. It would be a pretty cool thing to do in my opinion and I would also be interested in creating one, so yah. :smile:

I agree with @Stoax and @Plural I would rather join a podcast then start one as when joing one you get to meet so many new people! And you kinda get to go the easy road and not have to do ALLOT of work and get your podcast attention. And also… LETS ALL START A PODCAST! we can call it the Red Karp Plural Stoax podcast thing! Just kidding! But that’d be cool :smile:


I’d rather do… Neither?

I was a part of(and am probably still welcome in) the CHC, but I just don’t have the time to keep up with that kind of thing.

Not to mention that I kind of dislike how I sound and have a bad tendency of tripping over my words. It’s kind of like biting off more than I can chew; I try my best to word things as elegantly as possible whilst still making them sensible, yet I end up mispronouncing things and making a fool of myself.

I’m just not cut out for it.


@Garnira Dude, you gotta chillaxxxxxx. People wont care how you sound, as long as the content of your speech is something they like. As long as you’re preaching what they want you to, you’re golden. I mean Barrack Obama has speech impediments, but he’s the god dang president. Two terms. Buuut, I’ll respect you man. It’s all good.

@RedHuna101 I’m down. Let’s go. Lets make one. No but in all seriousness I made this half hoping to magically be invited into/talked into making a podcast. (not half hoping, more like one eighth hoping)


Hm. I think I’d want to be one of the founding members, but not be the one to “create” a podcast. So I guess, join one that’s being created? I guess I’d have to pick creating one.


Create. It’s hard, but satisfying.


I would really like to be in a podcast, but not TTV, too professional. I love talking. It’s a problem, I talk to myself, I need to communicate with humans! :tired_face:


Sounds like I need to start a podcast lol

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We need to just get a bunch of protectors on the boards and make a podcast someday, maybe even a test pilot. :smile:


That sounds Fantasti-cool™. I need a new mic…

We’ll call it:
I actually don’t know. :confused:


Same here, but I have finally saved up enough to buy one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If this idea ever pulls through, we could start PM about it. :smile:

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Ha! Actually, that’s a great name! The IDK Podcast!


Considering the fact that I’m already trying to maintain a YouTube channel, starting a Podcast would be a bit too much for me. And while I’ve guested on TTV, CHC and HoA (wow I’ve been around), I’m not sure about joining one either. In all likelyness it’d fizzle and die pretty quick (though if I had fun with the other cast members while it lasted it’d be worth it).

Changed category -legomaster


I would enjoy joining one, however I haven’t had the chance to and right now I’m kinda busy. Starting one with my close friends would be awesome as out conversations are great. Not professional but entertaining. We might do one next year but for now we are occupied with school.

Are there any spots in the IDK Podcast for me? :smile:


You were on the CHC podcast too? I feel so bad now… You will never be remembered. :cry:


Um… thanks(?) :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, one of them was like “Oi! You like Star Wars. Nobody else is on tonight, so come and discuss SW with us!”

T’was much fun. Many a Battlefront memory was shared that night…


Starting a podcast seems like fun, but I know you need a lot of time and effort to put it into full effect.