What happened to you??!!
Kahi: A long story I’d rather not get into. How’d you become a defense attorney?
how did I become an Attorney?
Kahi: Poor kid doesn’t even remember his own past. What a shame. Then again, I bet nobody remembers what happened in the past. Heh. Heheh.
So, what happened to you then?
If no one remembers but you, can you tell us?
what is the past anyway?
Kahi: Lost the ol’ badge. Almost charged me of being a crook, but that Apophyx fella over there got me off the hook.
Kahi: I’d much rather not go further into it from there. It would ruin a lot of surprises.
Okay then. Why am I defending you?
How did Apophyx get you off the hook?
Jogn: Herr Nuva here is accused of murdering a weird fellow on the boards, named Hewks D. Kowlihad. He was playing poker with the accused when he was struck by a bottle and died instantly.
Kahi: That’s what the police THINK, anyways.
Jogn: Herr Nuva, I’d wish you’d be quiet.
Kahi: What’s the matter? Still grumpy after I incarcerated you years ago? You’re a disgrace to all things TTV.
Venom: That’s quite enough, Mr. Nuva.
Kahi: I’m sorry. I’m sorry this court has such poor choice in attorneys.
I feel like I should take offence to that
At first I thought this was a new Ace Attoryney Mafia…
No matter, let’s go.
Have you ever committed or witnessed events like those in question before?
Cronk: (Hey! You’re talking about me too, Kahi!)
Jogn: Herr Nuva is only speaking his mind. Of course, what he says we can easily use against him.
Kahi: Oh yeah? What if I plead the fifth?
Silly Kahi-Wahi.
I don’t like this new Kahi, he’s a poob.
If you won’t tell us anything then you won’t go free
Cronk: I’m not sure I like this new Kahi, Apophyx. Do I have to defend him?
Apophyx: Well, if you lose, at least it was good practice.
Cronk: (Kahi isn’t gonna be making this easy on me, is he?)
Venom: Alright, defense. Court is now in session for the trial of Kahi Nuva. Are you prepared to take his defense?
Boi you know it.
Yes we are.