In a distant future, everything is whack and the timeline doesn’t make sense anymore. A new attorney, Cronk Justice, has shown up to the stage in order to bring chaos back into order. Question is: what will he discover along the way?
How to play:
All of you make up the mind of Cronk Justice, an attorney in the land of the TTV Message Boards. As you solve the case, you all must work together with your heads and vote your next move as you examine witnesses and such. However, bad moves can lead to you loosing the case!
The game is largely democratic, meaning you all get to vote on an option.
Cross Examination: Everyone looks at the witness testimony to spot out contradictions and also press and present evidence. The majority vote for people who wanna do something wins.
But be careful! Mess up on your cross examining and you may receive a penalty!
Investigation: When investigating, simply state what you want to look at or who you wanna talk to.
-Obey the Message Board guidelines.
-Please, be serious when voting. It’s alright to make comments, but when voting don’t give stupid answers.
-Don’t get things off course! Penalties will be due!
Get ready for the first case, guys! (Please respond…)
The Case begins NOW. Please respond to the topic to start the game.
Playing cards are passed out amongst some of the players. They’re picked up, bets are made, and cards are placed on the table. Then, someone picks up a bottle, and kills another man. Venom: Ho boy. What a long day. Well, hello everyone. Looks like we have a new defense attorney here today. What is your name?
Venom: Cronk, I’d like to remind you that the world-famous Penalty System is part of this trial as well. I would wish to not give you a penalty this early. But that is of your own decision. Kahi: Ah, Chronicler. Looks like you’ve out-grown your detective roots. You’ve even gone far enough to become a defense attorney like myself.