Custom Destiny Hunter (The "secret project" I have been working on)

Here it is. The topic I have been hyping up all week. This guy was originally my hunter from Destiny, but then I did some Archon’s Forge & Nightfall Strikes and got nicer looking gear. Pretty much the only thing that stayed the same was the Hakke Arminus-D.

Without further ado, here he is.

Front view:

Left Side view:

Back view:

Right Side view:

A close-Up of the sheathed knife (custom painted):

A closer look at the Hakke Arminus-D Auto Rifle (LD Watchdog roll):

A closer look at the Throwing Knife:

The figure holding the Auto Rifle:

The figure holding the Throwing Knife:

An action pose (after throwing the knife):

####Please comment thoughts, suggestions, and anything you want to say about your own Guardians.


Warlock best class

This is great, the paint job looks exceptionally clean.


Thanks, but I can disprove your argument in one word: Cayde-6


No Suros Regime?

I mained a Suros Regime for about a week, and I couldn’t seem to get the hang of the slow-fire auto rifle. Also, I use Invective (yes I’m one of those people), so it’s kinda hard to run two exotics.

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