This is the place where you show off your awesome custom gunpla! I will love to see what you have made.
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Updates on astaroth
Finished it now all that’s left to do is paint these things.
Update on Schwalbe graze [image]
Updates 3
Schwalbe graze.
Fancy shield [image]
I like how this one turned out. I’d like to think that this is complete.
So I added some pla-plate on the ankles and added some spikes to the torso I still want to do more with this.
Particularly proud of my Schwalbe graze and Barbatos.
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Cool! Thanks for sharing.
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I finally finished my newest custom. Still not sure what I want to do with the outer arms so I built some fake arms / funnels. Still not sure if I want to keep these or go with my seltsam arms idea. I also wasn’t sure if the build divers arms would work with a general UC gundam design.
My main idea was to give the black armor a possessed look taken over the original suit.
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His fake arm funnels
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His wings can also swing forward to cover his body in a semi armored form.
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I had recently gotten my hyakuri kit and decided to customize it into a mini mobile armor warship suit.
Mobile suit mode
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There’s no head movement whatsoever though my idea was a space battleship with limbs. Basically a macross / robotech mech.
Flight mode
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Booster form
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It’s supremely backheavy in this mode but the idea is that this adds the firepower of the twin Gundam as a booster set along with a speed boost.
My first custom model then vs now
Also Not quit gunpla but I can share my first 30mm painted custom. I was planning to paint his shoulder cannons but I kinda like pure silver better keeping the colors to the main body.