Cyatheales Carnivorous

Expedition Journal Entry #2:

Subject exhibits homologous traits to rats, raptors, and ferns.
Taxonomic nightmare.
Animalia or Plantae? Kingdom undeterminable.
Young variants seen, does that mean a mate exists?

Apparently the eyes are fused to the fern-like frill.
We hope to capture one for further study.
Already proven to be an apex predator within dense forests.
Yesterday it had taken our guide. He’s presumed dead.

Side Shot
Alternate Shot

Flickr Link

Thematically similar to my Eyesaur. The head design is a twist on a Dilophosaurus’s frill. Body structure, posture, and face are a mix of a rat and raptor.

Cyatheales is the order for “tree ferns” in taxonomy. This is tied into the eyes of the MOC, which were inspired by fern spores.


The foliage used on this moc works excellently well, G1 pieces also give a pretty good curve shaping and contrast.

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Those eyes are freaking terrifying!


What a freaky and unique design. I enjoy it.

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Dude, I thought that was an action figure with Lego’s glued to it. This build is seriously one of the most impressive things I have ever seen.

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absolutely incredible work.

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Love this

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When I saw this my first words were “Woah what the heck?”

Anyway good MOC :+1:

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The amount of character here is incredible. It’s got the features of a raptor, but the plump body and multiple eyes effectively give it an almost alien feel. The color distribution isn’t half bad either, seemlessly giving off the impression that this creature is composed of plantlike growths without upsetting any cohesion.

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Unique and scary. I love it.

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Thank you everyone! I appreciate the comments.

Thanks! I actually did use a mix of actual anatomy and the structure of some raptor toys to try and get the shaping you see here.

Thank you! I try to have an aspect of surrealism in my creatures, and found those little twists really add a lot, and I’m glad to see people appreciate it! The multiple eyes is also a reference to fern spores, which I thought was already creepy/alien looking.

Such an interesting concept. Looks really well done and built. I wish we had more pictures from different sides so we can see the whole MOC. Otherwise, looks really cool!

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I really like this a lot but id like to see some more pictures

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Thanks you two! I tried to take more pictures but the weather was really poor during the day I was taking photos (over half of them were ruined). I’ll try to take some more, but I feel nobody will end up looking at them anyway haha.

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It reminds me of this alien from Rick and Morty.

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Great moc.

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No offense

looking like it


Definitely! Googling-plant dinosaur wasn’t very helpful when I was looking for source material for the MOC, so I ended up looking through plant-aliens to get some inspiration.

Thank you!

I can see what you’re getting at haha. Although there are some better leaf pieces to make those.