So, to add another character to my “Coming Eventually” RoT story, uh, here’s this.
Main reason for making this was to have another female MOC, just to make another attempt, having tried before, and not too too happy with the results.
So, uh, yeah. Also, I wanted to experiment with those Bat Wing pieces from 2008. I’ve long thought them useless, but they work here quite well.
Yeah, the legs are basic, and I know, blue pins, whatever. Also, yes, I did kinda get lazy on the lower arms. I think the bones work there, though. Also, it was sheer accident that both Danu and Soli ended up with the Kiril. I just think it looks good on both of them, so whatever.
I find the Rahkshi back piece to be the cleanest looking of all the various “hair” styles I’ve tried.
From a strict side view, the chestplate does look a bit gappy, but only from that exact angle, otherwise it looks fine.
Like this angle, as she is posed with her two blade weapons. I have no clue what she was before a Shadow Toa, in-story, so the weapons are a bit random. But yeah, unlike Nyran, Danu follows traditional story conventions, having once had another Element. I think this angle and pose works out really well, better than the others I’ve shown, IMO
And compared to a generic Inika build. Like Soli, ironically, she’s a bit on the short side compared to my normal Toa MOCs. ^^’ She is taller than Soli, though.
Here she is with my Knightpriest MOC. In-story, those two have lots to do with each other, so yeah.
And just as reference compared to a normal Toa of one of my builds, here she is next to Nyran(A different Shadow Toa). Although, he is pretty tall, admittedly. So it’s not the best comparison.