Dark Hunter Lariska

A few things I’d like to say about this moc, first off it is said in Birth of a Dark Hunter that Nidhiki mistook her for a Vortixx at first glance, so I wanted to give her a general body style that would allow for that kind of assumption without being a Roodaka clone. As for her colour scheme, her armour is blue-green (turquoise/teal) but a moc that was completely that colour I don’t think would look that great so I focused more on the fact that it is said that her armour is that colour, like how Lhikan has gold armour but is still a red toa of fire. I went with black as her main colour both because I felt it fit with her role as an assassin and that it also contributes to Nidhiki’s Vortixx association mentioned before. As for her robotic left arm I didn’t want something overly different from her original arm but I still wanted it to be clearly mechanical since it’s such a unique feature. Her head and face I had some trouble with. I wanted her to have a custom head but the thing I really wanted to focus on was the fact that her species can wear kanohi but she chooses not to. I wanted her to actually be able to wear a mask instead of that whole “this character can wear a mask but doesn’t because the set isn’t able to”. So, although it may not be the best-looking face (also fitting with Nidhiki’s comments about it in Birth of a Dark Hunter) it is able to wear both stud and axle style masks which I’m pleased with. Her feet, well more so her ankles, I wanted a look of shock absorbers, to fit with her acrobatics.


You know, despite the head not being the best looking, this moc is pretty good. I love the way you interpreted the teal armor, and it looks amazing.

Thanks. Even I have to agree with the head, but I did want it to be able to properly wear a mask and had to scrap a few designs to allow for that. Maybe I’ll revisit it and see if I can’t tweek it a bit.


I don’t know why everyone thinks this. This is never stated once in any piece of canon media. I’m confused where this misinformation first came from because it seems to be a very common mistake.

This, again, is a strangely common error I see a lot of people quoting. Nidhiki thinks she looks better without a mask, implying her face is more appealing.

As for the Moc itself, I feel like there might be a bit too much teal. It’s hard to discern where everything is because of all the technic details. The dagger storage is very nice, though.


I don’t want to be rude but I believe you misread it. He comments she is not a Toa but there is no mention of her looking like a Vortixx. In fact he later comments regarding Roodaka: “If what she has can be called a face.” Yet he makes no comment about Lariska’s face suggesting there is not even facial likeness between the two.

But as to the Moc itself, it’s nice, I agree about black being a fitting colour for someone stealthy. And the amount of daggers is fitting!

Edit: lol I got Kapura’d by @Monopoly But yeah I just don’t get where on earth this idea keeps coming from Maybe a wiki editor has asserted their own headcanon at some point? Edit again: yup some darn wiki editor has written that on the Bionicle wiki


That’s a pretty impressive amount of dagger storage, now that I look close

very teal. i like the head design!

nice to see a moc that looks like it could be built in the same era as the darkhunter contest

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I think what happens is that Lariska is being mistaken with Johmak, a black-armoured female Order of Mata Nui member that in “Dwellers in Darkness” is confused with a Vortixx by the Toa Mahri.


You’re right, it was in regards to Roodaka. That’s my bad. It’s been awhile since I read any of the stories. And now that you mention it I think the Vortixx bit may have been mentioned concerning Jomak. I really should go back and reread some stuff.
As soon as these things were mentioned I had “oh, wait…” moment and felt rather foolish.


It’s okay, the Bionicle Wiki itself had that ‘fact’ written down since 2008 as well so that would have planted that idea in you and many other’s heads, generally Biosector is a good one stop place for accurate trivia about characters. I’ll look forward to any further iterations of your design though!


yeah, biosector01 is probably the most reliable source for bonkle info

Just the fact you managed to get a hold of that many teal parts and use them so that the colour hardly breaks is impressive.