Dark Hunters group shot

Hi, this is a groupshot I made of my favorite canon moc Dark Hunters next to my representation of Lariska (center).
From left to right: Firedracax, Conjurer, Charger, Darkness, Eliminator, Lariska, Vanisher (behind), Guardian, Lurker, Ancient, Tyrant and Primal.

I’m patiently waiting for the Biopack update to add the Vahki head piece in Lurker’s legs, Vakama’s fire staff on Firedracax, Sukorak’s carapace for Primal’s head and the Mantax/Carapar chest armor that Lariska uses as a rear skirt. Then I’ll use that shot as a size comparison for my entry in Lariska contest (which at this rate probably won’t start until 2022).

By now, I’m planning to add some sort of background to this picture, it could be the interior of Odina or Metru Nui, to represent when the Hunters invaded the island. I’d really appreciate if you could provide a picture I could use if you like the idea and please support my Lariska entry when the moment arrives.


have you posted them individually?
they look really good!


Am I the only person who has the head piece out of the biopack?

Anyways I like your lariska. I think the others are normal and not revamps.

It’s so weird seeing their heights; I always thought conjurer was so much taller, and I wouldn’t have thought Firedracax was so tall.

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Thats kinda the photos fault. On the canon photo the head was put on in a weird way which made him look shorter (in addition to the pose) but yeah I thought that the sizes were different aswell.

They are exactly as the instructions sey they are built but just with some little revamps like recolors or pieces that weren’t available at the time they were made. Biggest revamps are articulation on Darkness neck, Firedracax hips, and Guardian’s upper torso

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Hm ok. But the mods are obscured. Maybe actually make separate posts/renders so that they are visible :thinking:. Eh but great recreation nonetheless

Interetingly enough, they all look so cohesive while being made separately. And your Lariska blends in so nicely! It’s also somewhat cool you haven’t included TSO, so he does not totally dominate everyone else.
If you could share the Studio file for this, it would be great, and we also could see the mods.


@ToaVidal neat. I think you chose some of the better dark hunters to render, and your Lariska moc is pretty cool!

Just to be clear, do you mean this…

…or this?


I mean this

huh, interesting…

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This is a really cool shot. Ancient looks so dinky compared to the others. xD

Also, I’d love to see a solo pic of that Lariska if you haven’t posted one already; from what I can make out the design looks really cool.


I think I got it somehow with the biopack and then made it appear with partdesigner. I just opened some random files in part designer, suddenly had the Vahki eye piece and thought: I have never seen this in the pack before. And so imported it to stud.io.

I present: Vahki Eyestalk in stud.io

Did you get it from the 3d modeling bionicle discord server? Since that’s the only way I can think of you would have that part

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No I got it normally from the biopack. I don’t use discord. I downloaded the Biopack and got the model with PartDesigner.

Huh that’s really odd

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Yes. It is really odd. I didn’t have it before in stud.io. I’m not sure how that was able to happen.

Maybe Kryakwa updated the pack to include it


Maybe I don’t know. But nobody else seems to have it.