Adelaide came out a nearby office supply store, her meal for the day in her hands. She quietly came up to the edge of the StandFaster crowd blissfully unaware at who they were and what their purpose were. Her human appearance slightly fading, revealing that she was a mass of paper, her human features tore off and crumpled back into her body. A mass of vaguely clumped together paper stood there behind the crowd. Opening up a packet of paper, Adelaide quietly swallowed sheets whole before quickly becoming uninterested and heading away. Swiftly ignoring any contention she might’ve caused at her display of her anatomy, Adelaide slunk away, almost drifting through the wind. She hadn’t been in the normal world long enough to even really understand power politics anyway. Whatever happens, just happens. With a shrug as she realized that her persona had dropped, she quickly walked away with a spring in her step, her human figure coming back along.
Adelaide headed down the street before perking up at a loud voice. She peeked into the alleyway, holding her bag of “groceries” tightly to herself. Was this random a possible druggie? Or was it a cop? Though cops usually didn’t look this disheveled but everyone had their bad days.
ooc:is it if it’s in character though.