Gideon rubbed his chin. “Haven’t exactly considered that, no… Granted, my powers wouldn’t be much use unless I’m in a tricky spot- Oh, I completely forgot! Mr. Chimpanzee, this is Adelaide; my ticket in here and a good friend. Just don’t ask to go hangliding.”
He gestured to Adelaide, who was likely having a negative reaction to his joke or not getting it at all. “I deeply regret having not met the late and great Superman. I had so many ideas I would like to test.”
Seeing the guard throw up her hands, Hayden tried to ask her what the gesture was for, what he said was not quite that. “Why are hands for? Um… your hands that is.
Iosif jumped slightly at the guard’s sudden attitude, starting to slide further along the wall before realizing that was in the direction of mr. angry-hair.
The bot finishes its fall, quickly picking itself back up and changing course. It turned and made a beeline for its elastic comrade, still struggling in the ice. The large mechanoid started to beat away at the ice to break it free, cracks snaking along the ice as it began to crumble and shatter.
It was at this point that the ground troops landed on the roof, starting to advance. They circled around the two, opening fire on the larger bot with their energy cannons. The blasts scorched the surface of its armor, but seemed to do little to harm it, continuing with its work. In a few more moments, the thief would be free and this would be all for nothing.
“Yes it would.” Lauren glances down, realizing that her glass is empty. “Well, it’s been fun guys, but I should get back to work at some point. See you guys around, maybe.” She waves, gathering her things and heading outside.
She heads for the train station, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone to make sure Katelyn hadn’t sent too many angry texts. Looked like Luthor had gotten attacked at the rally; Kate was mad she hadn’t been there to get pictures. Probably a good thing she wasn’t there; then she didn’t have to feel guilty about not trying to help so she could maintain her cover.
Something gets her attention. She was almost to the train station, and a crowd had gathered - a bigger crowd than usual. She gets closer, and starts to overhear what they’re saying. Something about a robot on the tracks. Well, today’s certainly an exciting day.
She pulls a pair of sunglasses from her jacket, slipping them over her face and feeling the shimmer as the enchantment takes hold. She takes off down the street, looking around for the robot in question.
They do, but its titanic fellow simply scoops it up and breaks into a run, leaping off the roof surprisingly high, and crashing down onto the next one, making quick progress away. The SCU squads scramble to get back into their choppers to pursue.
As Lauren approached the scene, the large, heavy-plated robot parkouring across the Metropolis skyline would be almost impossible to miss.
Adelaide happily held her hand out toward the chimp, in the process nearly stooping low enough to fall out her chair. “Feel free to ask anyway. It was my first time being a hangglider, who could blame me?”
Perking up at the ideas of testing powers against Superman, she happily brought forth ideas. “Did you wanna try beating him or something? Couldn’t he pick you up and drop you in the ocean? Not like you really stood a chance.”
Lauren chases the robot down the street, pulling her flashlight from her jacket. She stops for a moment, lining up the shot before firing off a laser beam at the fleeing machine.
As the bot turns to block Celsius’ blast again, the laser beam rips through the air, piercing straight through its left shoulder and causing it to drop the elastic bot still clutching fiercely to the STAR Labs equipment, which bounces and skids across the roof before coming to a stop.
The titanium bot quickly turns on its heels and skids to a halt, squaring up as it scans the surrounding area for the origin of that blast.
It wouldn’t find anyone on the rooftops around it, but if it extended its search to the streets below it might see a vague personage pointing at it… moments before another laser came screaming in its direciton.