DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow. It is awesome and this is where you can discuss it. Just don’t veer to far off into a Flash/Arrow discussion, Ok? Thanks!


It would be awesome if they showed at least Booster Gold’s outfit as an easter egg. :smile:

I mean, Arrow has been doing stuff with Kord Industries (company from the comics which reveals the existence of a character to do with Booster), so why can’t LoT at least have a cameo of something to do with BG?
I mean, they aren’t allowed to use Blue Beetle because of the upcoming Booster/Beetle movie coming out, but Superman is confirmed for being in show universe simply because he’s in Supergirl.
And if they can have an existing Supes, they could at least have a Booster, I mean, IIRC isn’t Booster Rip Hunter’s father in the comics?


They really need to put him in. It’s a better fit for him than a buddy cop movie with BB.

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Why do such great shows have such a small conversation? I love this show, it’s confusing and often controversial to everything else time travel in this universe (not talking about Flash or anything…), and it’s cool. I have not watched any season 3, so tags please.

Haven’t really watched much of season 3, but I get irritated with it because the show regularly breaks it’s own rules regarding time travel (or, as I like to call it, plot travel😛) and the characters often seem incompetent. It can be fun though. The Flash is guilty of plot travel as well.

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That’s true. They had an entire episode in season 1 about doppelgängers, but I guess it’s different because the kids were not aware

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