Decepticonaiden does Gunpla! (For like the second time)

I’ve been gone for a month, and what better way for a traditional/digital artist to make a comeback than with Gunpla!

Wait a minute, this can’t be right… I have like a whole month’s worth of art to post…

No, but in all seriousness, I actually love Gunpla. But, up until this point, I’ve only ever done one, mainly because they’re hard to get where I live. However, recently I went on a trip where I picked up this beauty.

So, I decided I’d kinda document the building and painting process, as kinda a fun little project that I hopefully don’t drop in the next week! And hey, since this is my second kit ever, maybe you guys could help me out and give me some tips?

Anyways, I started out washing the parts in soapy water to wash off the non stick agent so all the pieces would be ready to be painted. I did this last night and left them to dry overnight.

I started the actual building today. I started this afternoon, but was cut off about halfway through to go out, so I ended up finishing the rest tonight. I currently don’t have any sand paper (I’m planning on picking some up soon), so I’ll I used to get rid of nubs was my exacto knife. I also only used the face stickers, just to give the kit some life between now and when I start painting, something I did with the last model I did.

The finished model itself looks amazing! I love the Deathsythe design, and this did not disappoint. The build was quick, easy, and fun, and I really enjoyed it. In the future I might try an MG or even an RG for a bit more challenge, but for now I’m good with HG. These are a few pictures I took after finishing.

I’m currently not sure when I’ll start sanding and painting, but I’ll definitely keep you guys updated. And again, all tips are welcome! I’m new at this and don’t know what I’m doing. I need all the help I can get. Anyways, let me know what you think! C&C are welcome and appreciated