So, I figured that I needed some practice with doing digital art, and I thought this was he best way to do it. So, go ahead and start requesting. I’ll try and do every request I get, and it’ll either be line art or coloured, depending how lazy I am. A couple things to know is that I’ll be posting all finished request to here, as well as my Deviantart page, and I’ll finish your request whenever I can.
could you draw superlink Shockfleet?
What can be requested?
Pretty much anything’s fair game, but everything will be a bit simplified, and I’m also terrible at plants, animals, and landscapes, Request those lat three things if you want, thought, I do need the practice.
@Ace Here you go! At first I didn’t know what you were talking about, but I searched it up and realized it was Energon Mirage. Anyways, hope you like it!
Do you mind if I use that for my profile picture?
Sure, go ahead
Although, I did have the same idea
sweet, thank you.
allow me to preface this by saying, feel free to request a piece in return from me, dude.
as for my request,
a dynamic image of superlink shockwave/armada tidal wave.
bonus points if you throw in ramjet being dynamic.
toy coloring, if you’re gonna color it.
ABSOLUTELY AND DEFINITELY YES!!! I just got Sins of the Wreckers and I love Tidal Wave! And Shockblast and Tidal Wave were my favourite Energon/Armada characters!
yea, just remembered how cool the toy was (even if the articulation was shoddy)
Can you draw The Dinobots with some G.I.Joe Ninjas?
I would like you to have a go at my icon, completely out of context
Or like… a Noble Huna with transparent blue shades over it
I’ll play it safe
Bludgeon, Movie toy in G1 Style
Tohunga ahkmou?
If it isnt trouble.
Ah K, I’ll think of something soon then.
Draw Tahu driving G1 Optimus Prime’s alt. mode.
Which version of Tahu?
Could you try drawing Peridot from Steven Universe?
@Sammythekat Here you go! Took a few liberties on Tidal Wave’s head, hope you don’t mind.