Alright, sure! Any particular version in mind?
@Ahkmou I see you’ve already gone ahead and done it, but sure!
Alright, sure! Any particular version in mind?
@Ahkmou I see you’ve already gone ahead and done it, but sure!
When ever you get the chance could you draw superlink shockfleet fawning over Galvatron?
Superlink Galvatron?
Yes please.
Preferably the tf5 one
Ok, sweet! I liked the designs of Bumblebee more in tf4 and tf5.
@JMP Here’s Thunderwing! Let me know if you want any other characters in this style, because I really enjoy making these!
I do not care
Even the Mistika, or the Stars version (hail denmark)?
Guess I can make a third one huh? Well…
IDW/TR(the Siege for Cybertron figure) MetalHawk
@decepticonaiden how many requests per person?
@Ahkmou As many as you want!
@JMP Sure!
@Leoxander Sounds good
Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, everyone. For some reason I didn’t get notified that there were any replies on this topic.
@Shadowrockboy190 Sorry I didn’t get this done sooner. I spent all day yesterday looking for my Titans Return Brainstorm.
Sure, man!
Please draw a Captain Phasma helmet.
Thank you. Hail the First Order!!!l
Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay of the requests. I’ve been a bit busy, and I just haven’t felt like drawing. Anyways, I’m back to work now, so expect your requests to be done soon.
Take your time! These are amazing!
Love Kelts design! He looks amazing! All lanky and spiky. You made him look creepy yet also kept him to a similar design, reminds me of some cartoon/artist style I’ve seen before… Can’t remember which though… Salad fingers?.. No probably not.
Still, love him! He’s creepy yet recognizable! Especially the mask and eye deign, little fang tentacles, blurglurglurgl.
@JMP Thanks! I’m glad you think so!
@KAI_BORG Thank you! I decided that with the asymmetrical design of your MoC, a sort of creepy/worn down look would look good. Funny story about the mouth spikes, though. I was looking at your MoC head in, and in the picture, I thought the vent detailing on the chest were a part of the mask.
By the way, is this the art style you were thinking of?