Deprived Makuta minifig design [CONCEPT ART]

Drew this guy while catching up on the more recent podcasts.

One of the main points about character design with this Makuta is that his physical appearance progresses as he sort of returns to life and power. Thought I’d try my hand at the first step in that progression; his deprived form.

With this doodle I wanted to make a point of using old influences to make him recognizably makuta, whilst also staying relevant to the new plot.

His appearance draws largely from the '01 infected matoran look(would be fun to have a story moment similar to that first encounter) and the mask is kind of a combination of the Krahhkan and Mask of Control. As for story relevance, from what I understand he’s been trapped in some kind of tomb for a few thousand years, rotting away all the while. Hence I tried giving him a decayed look similar to the 2015 summer villains with the exposed internals and ragged shawl.

I’m not sure if this is actually useful for anything right now, considering you all haven’t really gotten to designing the villains properly, but hopefully this helps at some point. Thanks for taking a look!


Nice a great design

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The mask looks amazing, and I really like how he has the bones visible.

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I’ll be honest, I like the look of the torso, but I don’t really like the mask a whole lot. It looks a bit too fat and chipmunk-y for me.

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Not bad. The mask might be a bit thicc wide, but I like the designs on it.

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I was worried about this upon completing the drawing, seems as though my concern was valid. Perhaps if the horn things were thinner and splayed out more it would look better?

See, the actual width is about apt to fitting around a minifig head, but those extension really make it look visually really wide.

I’ll redesign it a bit if I end up making a stage two Makuta drawing(and then probably edit this one as well).

My question is: why has nobody used the U.F.O. alien helmet in Black for the Kraakhan? I had that idea when I was 4 and I was sure somebody would have used it by now.

Aside from that, excellent job! Makooti is more terrify than ever. Very nice job with the detail of the rust.

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Very nice, This is the best Makuta minifigure design I’ve seen. I really like the combination of the g1/g2 masks but I think the helmet looks a little too round. Maybe the horns could be a little more angular like this:

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Oh, that’s a good reference image! When/if I redesign it, I think I’ll try using those brow contour shapes as well as messing with the horns.


I love the design of the mask and the detail on the torso, the bones and pistons visible under the armor and the influences for the mask are great.

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I need only say this:


Nice! I really like the mask!

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This is a nice concept for the deprived Makuta. I love the mask being a blend between g1 and g2. If I could make one suggestion, try to add more rust and decay. If he has been decayed for so many years, maybe he is so covered with decay that he appears weak. This concept is cool, but I don’t think it’s decayed enough. Maybe the mask could be damaged. But that’s just my personal take on it.