Gathered friends, I present you my new creation- Dertus, the Red Star Zombie
Plants vs Zombies? How about half-plant and half-zombie?
(Main Photo)
Kestora: We’re in the place where it all begun. Unfortunatelly, we’re still unable to say what was the main cause of the Red Star systems malfunction. All we found was this report from the disastrous day, written by one of us. It was in really poor state… Let’s start from the entry number eleven…
Entry 11:
We’ve received another batch of bodies. Victims of some kind ofexplosion, judging by scorched armor and ripped out limbs. Most of the limbs will have to be recreated from scratch. The objects are eight of Toa and two representatives of races that we are unable to identify. We start working.
Entry 13:
The Toa are confused. We’re unable to teleport them back to their destination. More in-depth investigation needed.
Entry 19:
A logical error has crept in the repair process. Research objects show a tendency to aggression and hostility towards Kestora. The repaired Toa’s motor functions do not function properly. They move stooped and ponderous.
Entry 22:
We made a mess. A lot of mess. Objects attacked us. The three Kestora are dead. We were herded to Room 8, where we have barricaded the door. We have the bodies of two Toa with us that we haven’t had time to fix.
Entry 24:
The Toa keep banging on the door. We must leave this place in order to continue our work. As I’ve mentioned, we have two more bodies with us. Perhaps some use can be made of them.
Entry 27:
The decision was made to repair the Toa of Plantlife and use it to destroy the rogue objects. We’re missing the components to fix his left arm and the broken armor, but we should figure out something.
Entry 28:
Recreating the left arm proved impossible. As a replacement, we have integrated the incomplete limb with the saw we use to cut metal. For now, it has to suffice.
Entry 30:
The Toa of Plantlife introduced himself as Dertus. Immediately upon awakening, he was shocked at the state of his body, but after briefly explaining the situation, he agreed to help. We are getting ready to open the door.
Entry 32:
Despite the fact that rebellious objects have ripped off much of his armor and left many bite marks, the Toa is doing fine. Although you can see that he is disgusted, he effectively overpowers his attackers with plants growing from his body, and as a last resort, cuts his former companions to pieces. We’re going to have a lot of cleaning.
Entry 33:
Update to entry 32. Our protector went berserk. He covered the entire corridor with bloody vines and slowly moves towards us, making an incomprehensible gibberish. A decision was made to evacuate through a ventilation shaft.
Entry 34:
One of us was caught by the creepers by the leg and hauled back in. We hear crawling sounds behind our backs. We must be faster.
Entry 38:
There are only two of us left. We are in Room 13. We got another batch of bodies here. We have everything we need to repair them. We make another attempt. Perhaps these warriors will be more cooperative.
Entry 45:
I was left alone. I cannot indicate the reason behind the rebellion of another batch of objects. But now is not the time to think about it. If I manage to pass unnoticed to sector seven, I will notify the rest of Kestora through the terminal about the situation. We have to prepare for a counteroffensive.
Entry 46:
(Entry incomplete)
Kestora: And here it all… Wait… Do you heare something like… Like… Oh, no…
Better run, because he noticed you!
360° Spin:
Building timelapse:
More photos:
How about a more heroic pose? It was a Toa after all
/Taohe Netrus