Destiny 2 Bionicle Guardians

Here I have made a Fireteam of Guardians from Destiny 2, Enjoy!

The group from left to right is a Nightstalker Hunter, a Dawnblade Warlock, and a Striker Titan. I tried to get the Classes’ different silhouettes down, with the Hunter having a cloak (sorry, no hoods) the Warlock having a bit of a robe (my Kylo Ren cloth piece is being used by a more important MOC), and the Titan’s massive asymmetrical shoulders.

Before anyone makes a comment, let me explain some design choices: The orange part of the Warlock’s arm is his bond, a cosmetic item that all Warlocks have and sometimes differs from their general color scheme. I made the Titan’s shoulders asymmetrical because, again, they’re that way in game, and because If you’re in a gunfight, you’ll probably be standing at an angle, not facing your opponent full-on front.

Here are some pics of them with weapons:

The Warlock’s holding the best Ghost I could manage with the parts I had.

That’s all for now, give me your thoughts!


wow love how they look and the weapons are amazing the capes make them look very powerful hope to see more from you.

These are pretty great.
Insert Cayde-6 (the best vanguard) saying “Am I right or am I right?”

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Nightstalker Hunter:
The bow seems too blocky, but get the shape from a degree-
Color is fairly vibrant.

Dawnblade Warlock:
Those flame pieces doesn’t represent “wings” very well, the lower section does convey a kilt design, and the small chest design looks bad since between the neck shoulder is flat and exposed.

Striker Titan:
The coverage seems alright, yet the neck is rather long-

My issue with these build is the Inika torso, I don’t want to complain how “simple” it is, but the proportion doesn’t seem to work all too well (mainly for the Warlock).