Dhampyr, yet again

Why didn’t i post this yesterday? well i was busy at a fair and i didn’t have the time and now there’s 2000 unread topics here help

C’n’C please


Your custom torsos and limbs always intrigue me. You have a creative eye for it

Also is that a pearl gold Krahkaan?

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I wish it was but it’s just the terrible lighting



clever chain lightning build

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Looking good. I like the armor and lightning chain-thingy, but the torso looks a bit short? Anyway it’s a nice moc.

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A man of true culture

If you don’t mind me asking, what general area/is it a bigger or smaller one?

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Dhampyr is pretty stocky now, but that’s better than the basic slim build he had before. It seems like a little more flat gold would help, particularly on his forearms. And those claws in his stomach don’t really add anything and imply he’s got a belly even though he doesn’t have one.

Thank you to everyone for your continued comments on my mocs. you’re really helping. :blush:

yeah i know, any ideas how i can lengthen it?

thanks! It’s actually been used on another of my mocs, but it is one of my favourite techniques.

Alright, i’ll get some more dark gold parts and mess around with that

it was a viking-related fair


Use a longer hip piece maybe?

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torso is probably my favourite part - looks great!