Did some art of my Overwatch Team.

So, I guess many of you have heard of this game, Overwatch. Well I play in a discord group of about 9 guys and I decided since we are kinda a proper team in that we get together to practice, play competitively and for fun to do some art. It’s just meant to be a team roster displaying our preferred main heroes.

As for the name, most of us are ranked in silver and trying to get to gold.

Comments and Criticisms are appreciated! :smiley:




Clever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice team comp, by the way.

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Nah, it’s his name, kinda appropriate though.

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That’s what I meant, I just thought it was funny that the Reaper player’s name is Dark. :laughing:

######Respect though, because Reaper is my DPS main…

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Do you guys have signature skins for each of these? Because that’d be really cool.

@PakariNation99 ahhh respect
@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister a few of us share the OWL skins for Seoul Dynasty for our repsective mains but usually we just have whatever on.


So you guys don’t really stick to one outfit? For example, I’m planning on sticking to my “Ice Fisherman” skin for Roadhog.

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Don’t you think you could use a Winston or Righnheart?

@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister well, we usually equip black or dark coloured skins if that counts?
@TheMOCingbird My second main is Reinhardt, Butcher’s second is Reinhardt, Potato’s second is Reinhardt.
We usually have to fight over who gets to play Reinhardt.