Dinoponera gigantea

this is a really cool ant moc, i absolutely love the head

Iā€™ve never seen such a beautiful insect. In lego pieces.

Jut screams ANT in a heartbeat. Thatā€™s not always easy with Legos. I love it.

I would hate it if this thing came anywhere near meā€¦ imagine the bite it would give me. 10/10.

@BBricks, thanks!
@Scorpion_Strike, I have kinda addiction of removing gaps. Canā€™t say itā€™s always good thoughā€¦
@Asriel, :smiley:
@Altair, thank you!
@Rockho, hah, many thanks!
@JMP, thanks!
@ReeseEH. nice to hear I reached the aim. Thank you!
@AdamusTheFirst, thank you!
@Sealman133, thanks a lot!
@Stoax, many thanks!
@Xephix, but arenā€™t they cutie? :3
@OculusNuva, source pics helped a lot. Thanks!
@Mythguard, hah, thanks!
@Voxumo, thank you!
@Tobin-Bartram, I afraid, it will be too expensive for such small model. Also itā€™s a nice point, maybe I bought some insect series (like Creator subtheme?..).
@wheatley1138, donā€™t get it. D:
@21sselliW, talking about lego minifugureā€¦ Yes, I guess?..
@Ekorak, many thanks!
@Calebmar12, it was the first part I built, heh. Thanks!
@MysteryMuffin, thanks a lot!
@Jedder77, thanks!
@Sushiyoda, they arenā€™t dat scary, man, cmon. Thanks!

Thanks for feedback, guys!


Dinopera is a great species. Gotta love their community structure :smiley:

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