Dinosaur Topic

I introduce you to Zuniceratops:


I’m gonna call him Billy the Bird.


does anyone here like giraffatitan?


I prefer the air Mamenchisaurus:

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Yes, I do!
But it still can’t beat Argentinosaurus.

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old news but

new raptor, big as a man, with direct evidence of feathers

wop wop for the feathered dino fans

I don’t care what they say

I’m calling it the Diosaur


they are…

Dakotaraptor =/= Diosaur

yee boi

my derp

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I’ve got a question. What is you’re favourite Ceratopsian?

If you need a refresher, here ya go

I swear if anyone says Triceratops


I like 11, also, Triceratops…

Any pictures of the evidence or something?

Also, I will say this: just because one species of dinosaur or raptor has feathers does NOT mean that all of them had them.

Kinda like if some other intelligent species found evidence of humans being bald, that wouldn’t mean ALL of them were bald.

Making a presumption that all dinosaurs had feathers doesn’t really add up to me. Raptors, sure. They make sense. But Triceratops? What? What would be the purpose of feathers on them? That wouldn’t make sense.

So I will believe this species and others confirmed to have feathers did have them, but I don’t feel jumping to the conclusion of them all having feathers is a wise idea.

I like Rhyhorn.


I was just saying it’s one more confirmed feathered dino

besides, they only ever say that things like triceratops had quill feathers on it’s tail for… whatever reason

EDIT: Derp, forgot this wasn’t a PM

they say there’s quill nobs on the arms

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Right, but did they have any pictures? I’d like to see the little quill knobs on the bones.

Also, that’s kinda weird to have them on the bones. Are birds like that, too? I thought feathers connected to the skin.

No. Apparently dinos with feathers have ‘quill nobs’ that directly connect to the bone. Dunno. Just seems like that. I guess birds evolved to the point where they didn’t need bone connections. Sorta like Dro-whatsits(the small mammal-like lizards with spines) don’t have connected tissue on the spine now since they got damaged alot and would take alot of effort to heal or something. Whoops, let a non-dino into the convo, anyway

Are we even certain it was actually feathers connected to the knobs? What if it was something else entirely, like some sort of cartilage-based type of small bones that a raptor would use to attack their enemies with as well?

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guess modern birds also have quill knobs



A relative of Triceratops, Psittacosaurus, has been confirmed to have feathers on it’s rump for quite some time.

That’s pretty much why.