Something I’ve given some thought to - given the difference in personality between the G1 and G2 versions of the Toa Mata, it would be interesting to imagine a hypothetic situation where the counterparts all met each other somehow. Lewa’s the exact same in personality, yet has had his very element changed. Tahu, Gali, Onua, and Kopaka all have slight twists and tweaks to their original personas… and Pohatu, well Pohatu’s a completely different Toa!
Matoro you are dead so shush. Also 1 minute clips arent saying much about their personalities, they hardly had any lines besides the ones that were said by Protector of Fire which may or may not have an accurate depiction of them.
I’m not going off the clips. Read the bios of the Toa on the official website. Pohatu is now just as stubborn as Tahu and kopaka. In G1 he was pretty easy-going.
Amnesia can cause people to act completely different though. In the end, if Lego wants these to be the same, they’ll find a way.
Though I still think that Lego will never really give us the exact connection between the two generations, they’ll probably hint at stuff at leave it open for interpretation. And I believe that’s the best thing they can do.
True in real life, but not in the Mataverse. Everyone who ever lost their memory in the original storyline acted exactly the same afterwards as they had before they had lost their memories. Examples: Toa Mata, Metrutoran
Yes, from the very few characters we actually looked and had memory loss, we know they didn’t change drastically. They never really acted the same, because Tahu was much different after his memory got swiped than before, because before he had learned how to be a team leader, while after he had trouble with working together.
TBH, there’s no established rule about this kind of thing in the Mataverse. The majority didn’t change, but that doesn’t say there is no possibility or room for exceptions. It’s your own interpretation, but it’s not a rule that says that amnesia will never lead to character changes.
So who knows ? Perhaps Pohatu will change to become more like his older character over time ? Perhaps not ? Perhaps he’ll be completely different. We’ve seen character changes in the past, some even quite drastic ( Kongu from being militaristic serious to more lay-backed, etc. ), it’s not really unlikely it won’t happen in the future.
This is something we’ll have to let go in the future, because this “everything needs to be 100% solid and canon” attitude doesn’t seem to translate to the new Bionicle, at least not from what I’ve seen so far. To me it looks like things are a lot looser than they used to be, and I’m really glad for that.
Initially it seemed that he was being portrayed as brave, but honestly it seems more like “stubborn and pigheaded” brave instead of “valiant” brave.
Anyway, I’d say that the personality changes aren’t as important as the change in power mechanics, as far as Mata-are-Masters theory goes. In G1 Toa powers were an inherent part of the being, and the masks provided additional (different!) powers. In G2 the Toa seemingly have no inherent elemental power, and require masks to use their elements.
That was made by Uncle K and I love it.
If I recall correctly, the 2015 Lewa is larger because of a suggestion from his daughter when he was planning out the art? Or maybe it was a combination of the 2015 sets just being larger, and how he viewed Okoto Lewa as more of a “nature spirit” thing instead of a regular being like Mata Lewa is.