Diska, the lovely one

Sexy bonkles… oh my!

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I love how awkward and unfitting the breasts are. Makes me think that her and roodakas species are just all the big chested anime girls Of the bionicle universe. I wonder if there’s a bionicle version of twitch?

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On the topic of whether they fit or not, and I don’t think I brought this up earlier, but I think the reason so many people have issues with Nuvaboobs or larger - aside from them often being on smaller builds - is that Nuva shoulders are very round pieces, and the vast majority of BIONICLE parts are very not round. Rahkshi heads are also rounder than most BIONICLE pieces (though it didn’t hurt Roodaka’s aesthetic.)

Arguably the Metru shoulder plate is the best piece for large boobs on a MOC this size, though for something that implies the chest while not detracting from the BIONICLE aesthetics, something like an offset Metru chest or Slizer foot would be standard.

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I want to say that this is the first time that I make a female character and also of this size :sweat_smile:

'twas a jump you managed surprisingly well. Most of the MOCs I have criticized the most have been titan size builds and larger with absolute messes of color and texture, with breast designs that contradict the aesthetics of the rest of MOC following not far behind. If you do want to stick with the Nuvaboobs/Nuvahips design, I’d recommend you look into some smoother parts - CCBS is an option, of course, but there’s a handful of BIONICLE parts that aren’t as detailed, Slizer feet as one of the most common examples.

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that’s not why at all for me


In this case I don’t think they really disrupt the “BIONICLE aesthetic” because of the harmonious colors and design echoes elsewhere in the build (hips and kneepads, mostly). I also think this titan-sized build is big enough to accommodate such generous “assets.”

Seen this used before on smaller MOCs and thought it worked there. It would work here too.

Except some Vortixx are male. You’re not exactly wrong, there was some definite bounce to Roodaka’s “breastplates” in BIONICLE Heroes…