Dividing by Zero

Which is why you should always look up something you’re not 100% means what you think it does when arguing about it :grinning:

Wait was I wrong or were you wrong because I was kind of assuming/thinking I made up the term😂

Which is why you should always look up whether or not the person with the counterargument is actually right :grinning:

I was wrong either way, I misunderstood your meaning.

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Zero does not exist. That is the point of it being zero. This concept took centuries for humans to develop because they did not see the point of counting the unexisting with the existing. (It is why the Romans have no numerator for 0. This came up in Arabic numerals because zero was a developed mathematic concept during the Islamic Golden Age.)

The biggest mistake modern educators fail to explain is that zero is merely a concept we use to explain “nothing” in mathematics. That is why you cannot divide by zero. Dividing by nothing implies that no dividing is happening in the first place.


aww come on you just killed our fun. @Chronicler I want you to play this game

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so a number minus a number (say 2 - 1) is a number, positive or negative, while another number minus another number is not a number?

This of course is true, but I don’t think it changes anything in this topic. Correct me if I’m wrong though.

What? Could you be more specific?

saying that “zero does not exist” while other integers (positive and negative two) means that it would be possible to add two integers to get something that exists, and then add two other integers to get something that doesn’t exist.

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Negatives don’t exist IRL either (unless we are talking about debt but debt itself is a construct based on owing. You cannot have negative anything in a material sense). They’re a mathematical concept, just as zero is.

However I’d argue negative integers are a distraction from my initial point: 0 is just a fancy word for “nothing”. That is why division is impossible with it. You’re literally NOT dividing when you divide by 0. Treating 0 as a dividable number makes no logical sense.


how many friends do I have?

there, zero exists in real life :sleepy:

edit: Also, what is my IQ?

there, negative numbers exist in real life.


Self deprecating invalidates your argument. Stay strong brother :facepunch:


I can confirm his argument

There, no longer an argument supported on the stance of self deprecating alone


No matter others supporting an argument, a homie talking down on himself invalidates his argument

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this thread did not merit being this long


ey a discussion’s a discussion.

Would you say that there was zero merit it being so divisive?


very funny.



only because it isn’t.

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