Well, if you’ve wondered why I’ve been gone from the boards for a few months, it’s because of this show. I’m currently half way through the episode “42”. I’ll probably finish it later today.
The Christmas special was a little whacky, but I think it was well written, especially for (perhaps) the last screen time of a character.
Honestly, it might have been more enjoyable than the season ender.
I didn’t know it was possible for a Doctor Who episode to be too weird.
Just wait until you get to Blink!
Really, stealing a sentient robot’s human head, an alien spaceship restaurant, and (not related to this episode) a robot man made of candy!
Just saw it yesterday. It was great. = D
Eh, nothing will ever top the Abzorbaloff in the weirdness department.
Glad you liked it!
A Doctor Who Christmas special was actually decent!
I think the last good one we got was in the 10th doctors era…
Doctor Who is VERY hard to stay interested in when it’s off air.
Only if you’re not a true fan. /s
Yeah, I kinda agree. It not being on Netflix anymore doesn’t help either.
I’m finally almost caught up with the show! the only episode I have left is “Husbands of River Song”.
Try listening to the Big Finish audios. That should keep you busy for a while…
Alternatively, there’s always the Classic series to watch, or you could get into the books/comics.
Husbands of River Song was really good. And I just put a hold on the first 3 First Doctor serials at my library!
Yes it was!
I’m finally caught up now! Huzzah!
Ok I really liked Doctor Who but I haven’t watched it in a while because although the current Doctor seemed cool, the last few episodes I watched were a bit dissapointing, I think I watched about three or four of the episodes with the current Doctor but lost interest, do I just suck or was I missing something? If I’m right does it get better at some point?
Personally, I loved 12 and most of his episodes from the start, so IDK what to say. Did you get to series 8, episode 4, “Listen?” That’s one of the all-time best IMO.
I loved all of Series 8, but people do seem to have mixed feelings about it. In my opinion, as it goes on it gets better and better, which then leads to Series 9, which all around 10/10.
This might be the best episode from Series 8. The scenario is wacky and weird, but it gave you some things to think about that sent chills down your spine.
While on the topic on series 8…
Steps to trigger Doctor Who fans:
- Say series 8 was all around good
Seriously though, I have never seen so much debate around a season. I feel it has hits and misses and that’s all there is to it. From what I remember, there were no 2-parters, so it might as well have not been a season.
Season finale was a 2 parter.
I can’t remember right now what the last episode I watched was, the last thing I remember was The master being resurrected somehow and then turning into a girl , I just found it quite strange and it didn’t really make sense to me.
Eh, idk if it needs to be spoil tagged. It’s kind of common knowledge by now. But anyway, I think it was to demonstrate the fact that Time Lords don’t have to maintain a similar appearance. At all, no matter what.
You made it most if not all of the way through season 8 then, unless you skipped a bunch. XD
As for the regeneration thing, like Moa said, Time Lords can regenerate into different genders. They’ve alluded to this a few times, such as when 11 mentions The Corsair in “The Doctor’s Wife.”
As for the Master being resurrected…that always happens sooner or later, often with minimal explanation to distract us. =P