Lemme just slip some more of my fine “art” in between your interwebs.
So I showed this guy at my school some of my doodles and he wanted to draw a character for him. The only things I had to go off of were “cat-like eyes” and “classy”. Because i didn’t have a very good idea of what he wanted, I ended up making a more mischievous looking character. It’s not my best but there are a few aspects that I think turned out ok.
Products of classroom boredom.
Just a few things I here-and-there whenever I had a few minutes to spare in my English class. There’s a reason I’m failing.
I made someone cry in my D&D campaign because I killed off an npc that he liked and I’m very proud of that.
A half-finished sketch of an important npc for my D&D campaign that my players grew to love. Killing her off has a lot of fun.
Local monarch goes balistic. Four city blocks reported missing.
After about a year of buildup, the party has finally come face-to-face with the mysterious Reine that they’ve hear so much of, but know so little about. I did this one to get a good idea of what a design for her armor would looks like, experimenting with the different ideas that I had (I’ve got a thing for combat skirts+Heavy armor). I haven’t colored the picture but her equipment and hair are supposed to be edgy black.
Local monarch is still very agitated.
Another reference sketch of Reine to get her facial features down as well as to practice expressions. If I could sup up her personality in one image, it would be this.
That’s it for now. Leave a like and make sure to leave comment that way I can feel validated about myself and not like I’m just pointlessly crying out into the empty void hoping to entertain someone because I have no sense of self-worth.
Hope you enjoyed!