Doom Viper (Rahi Contest MOC)

I was looking through the book *BIONICLE: RAHI BEAST", and I wanted to try to make a MOC of the Doom Viper. I’ve tried to be as close to the original as I can, and here is the result.

Here’s the original RAHI for anyone who doesn’t remember.

I had a lot of fun and even made a few “Joke MOCs” with it.

Here’s the TTV Doom Viper: (Sorry Meso, I don’t have any Piraka pieces.)

I plan on making more MOCs of the RAHI contest winners. Does anyone have any favorites?


To quote ashens,

anyway, It’s good, the missing parts is a little distracting, but close/good overall.
my favorite rahi is the archives mole, there’s just something about it that’s stuck with me 10 years.


I always liked the Fader Bull. Or you could go the simplest route and build the Archives Mole. Wow, as I’m in the middle of writing this, Payinku says it, too.

Once, I built a model of the Spiny Stone Ape’s head, but that’s as far as I got.

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Great minds think alike?

I always thought the fader bull looked odd.

(also I knew this book existed, I’m not crazy! I lost my copy years ago though :cry: )

(also you guys can call me yink, for future ref. it’s what I prefer to go by.)

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Sadly, I don’t have enough pieces to complete it. =(

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Huh. Pretty accurate if you ask me.

I love that book! Doom Viper was always one of my favorites!
And I love the TTV Doom Viper. xD
(Although only one of those heads is a Viper… /pun)

Nice recreation of the Doom Viper.
What Rahi contest do you speak of?
And why do you always capitalize the entire word? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lego held a rahi-building contest in 2004, and the winner would be featured in the story including comic… #21 I believe? The winner was the Tahtorak.

I #21: Nightmare. Vakama, Nokama, and Matau battle the Tahtorak.

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Oh. Of course. For some reason I mistakenly thought he was referring to a current contest. Silly me. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is awesome man, I also really like the TTV Doom Viper.

I’m not sure if this was part of the Rahi contest, but do you have the parts to make the Artakha Bull?

It was.

I wonder if @Viper 's name has anything to do with the Doom Viper.

@Chro I wrote RAHI in all Caps 'cause that’s how it was written on the book cover, and then I just kept using it that way.

@Axonn126 Yes, I do have parts to make the Artakha Bull, but mine will be green.

Building Instruction are now available at BrickShelf.

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My name really has no meaning behind it, I was just making my xbox live account and named my gamertag Viper because snakes are cool yo. :stuck_out_tongue:
Also, this MOC is good stuff. :slight_smile:


I would have guessed it was because Zaktans nickname was the snake, and you got viper out of that


this is awesome

My favorite’s got to be either the Artakha Bull or the plethora of Burnak species.

I’ve actually done the Artakha bull.

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