I was looking through the book *BIONICLE: RAHI BEAST", and I wanted to try to make a MOC of the Doom Viper. I’ve tried to be as close to the original as I can, and here is the result.
anyway, It’s good, the missing parts is a little distracting, but close/good overall.
my favorite rahi is the archives mole, there’s just something about it that’s stuck with me 10 years.
I always liked the Fader Bull. Or you could go the simplest route and build the Archives Mole. Wow, as I’m in the middle of writing this, Payinku says it, too.
Once, I built a model of the Spiny Stone Ape’s head, but that’s as far as I got.
My name really has no meaning behind it, I was just making my xbox live account and named my gamertag Viper because snakes are cool yo.
Also, this MOC is good stuff.