Conscious soul reactivated. Construct designated as Downfall is back online. Welcome home.
The body lurches forward, choking its renewed breathe of life. When it can handle living, he calms and takes in his new setting.
“I’m al–”
He stops midway, inspecting his alien hands. That was the wrong question.
“Another end has come?” Downfall asks.
“It will soon,” the unseen maker replies.
An amalgamation of unfinished and failed stories, this unusual being hails from a fiction outside the Lego realms. His appearance only means one thing, that an end is coming. He isn’t here to stop it, only shield that which is worth saving from deletion. To sacrifice himself in their stead, as is tradition for the coming works.
Weighed down by heft of massive shielding limbs, Downfall is incapable of self-powered flight and requires other means. For this purpose, he has been given a levitating platform that can, if needed, become a massive spinning sawblade to slice through obstructions.
General Body:
Shielding himself:
Hover Sawblade Platform:
Designer’s Notes: Just a quick revamp of this guy from some years back.
At this stage, I’ve almost revamped every single MOC I’ve made from 2010-2016 in the last two years (plus new ones yet to be posted). Figured I might as well complete the set and redo the few left remaining. The main thing I wanted to redo was his platform, which…Needs to be bigger, honestly, but will do for something quick.
Below is a brief look at what’s hiding underneath his CCBS shells. Along with too many pictures of the torso in general, to get a better look.
Excessive Extra