Dracanos was created by the great beings before the creation of Mata Nui. He is supposed to enforce the great spirit’s will, but ultimately the great beings’ will.
While he works with the Order of Mata Nui, he usually works on his own. After causing too much damage too a small island while defending a Matoran village, Mata Nui Ordered him to only intervene when he allows him too. But now, with the order and the brotherhood in a war, Dracanos is free to enforce and to cause as much Destruction as possible to the Makuta’s forces. Though he does have alterior motives that make him suspiciously take his time.
Frost breath
Super strength
Fire balls
Heat resistance
Cold resistance
Mental sheilding
Now on to the Moc!
I tried to do this in the g1 style.
Now if you haven’t already noticed, this moc is inspired by the Kardas dragon (though significantly smaller) and is in my opinion (besides the friggin open ball joints, I tried to get rid of them, didn’t look as good as with them) my beat moc to date. Yes, he is quite stable even without using the tail as a tripod. He can also pose very well. And he has one of my best custom feet designs in my opinion! He is also probably my favorite moc I’ve made since that Makuta Teridax moc I had made. Hope you like the moc though criticism is very appreciated. (And yes, I do like and acknowledge the triple jointed limbs.)
I quite like the proportions and armor placement on this MOC, but I don’t like those extra connections at the hips and I agree with others about the open ball joints. I really like the head because it uses a uniter creature head but also seems to be in good scale with the rest of the MOC. Overall, nice work.
no offense, but in my experience, with your definition of “worse”, it may look better, you would just have to get used to it.
anyway it needs a lot of cleaning and polishing, probably your best moc but still has a lot of glaring flaws that need improvement. i hope you fix this, because i see some potential
I really think that the legs are pretty awkward, but since you like them so much, I’ll shut up.
Yes, this is one of your best mocs, but no, I don’t think this is better than the Makuta Teridax moc. First off the body seems to be a little to small, but it works. The thing I really don’t like is that he has two elbows. I think the middle section is kinda useless. You could remove it if you want.
Other than this, this moc is pretty neat.