Draedon, Planar Wanderer (My Self-Moc)

While it may have only been a few weeks since I posted my previous self-Moc, this one is , in my opinion, better.

While building him, I started with the forearms, excluding the Bohrok eye and friction extender. The rest of the Moc was built at that proportion, besides the head ,which I have decided will just be standard for my self-Moc’s head. I also gave him an absolute crunch for reasons beyond current knowledge.

Story wise, all I know is that he is a Human Cyborg Planeswalker from an unknown plane (probably Mirrodin, but I haven’t decided yet) and his blades weren’t originally his. He just found them and modified them slightly, partly to be able to attach to his staff to become a spear-like thing.

Ability wise, he can planeswalk, teleport, and has fire and lightning elemental powers about 75% that of a Toa.

And a size comparison, because why not? Please note that Draedon is bending down.

UPDATE: I just discovered that he can also have a scythe.


I think my favorite part of this might just be those feet. They’re so nice-looking.

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Dem gearbox feet :ok_hand:


I think the torso could use just a little filling out, and the legs look awfully thin from some angles, but the technic build looks really nice and I love the custom head. The forearms look great, too, which I’m guessing is in part because that’s where you say you started. Props for the gearbox feet; never seen that piece used like that.


Those feet though… one of the most innovative use for a gear box yet. And the rest of the MOCs really nice too!


Messy in places, but overall awesome.

This guy reminds me of Limbo from Warframe. He looks great!

The torso could use some trans orange, like the rest of the limbs have, but tbh, that doesn’t really detract from how awesome this MOC looks!