Dreamkeepers: Bast

I thought i might take my mocing in a different direction, i decided to build Characters from an online comic called Dreamkeepers ( http://www.dreamkeeperscomic.com/GNSaga.php?pg=1 ) it is a good read.

So the character i bring to you is called Bast

This is what Bast looks like:

Hope you liked it and please No hate or harsh comments


This is a pretty good representation of the character, and on its own it’s a good MoC.
The way you positioned the hordika neck pieces looks weird. It just looks really odd for the elbow joint to stick forwards like that.


i could have used the grey glatorian necks but they’re too long

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I love it!!!:slight_smile::smile::smile:

I quite like this! My only complaint is the neck, it’s a little too long for me.

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its only how i positioned it

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The torso looks really long compared to the legs to me, which seems to be the opposite of the picture.

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There’s something off. I can’t put my finger on it.
But pretty good, I think.

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why do I like this so much? is the fact that it is an anthropomorphic wolf like bonkle or the fact that this looks awesome?

while Im not a huge fan of the pants, Im more on the saggy pant’s tight around ankles

I love the design of the moc


The back spikes could use some refining, but other than that it looks great

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just wait till i do Mace


The scarf sells it.

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The head seems a bit too small, but it looks cool nevertheless

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Hmmm…could do with a slightly bushier tail,but overall it’s great.

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