Drinks and Polls about them

sorry I don’t have exact change

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Unacceptable. You should never have gone to self checkout. Customer service is sending someone over. Now you have to interact socially.

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to get back on topic and also not have to describe eating someone’s face off, I move that antifreeze be labeled as a soup


I thought it already was???2?2??2???

gol’ dernit

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Update: Water is still the best drink.


Well darn

I can’t exactly argue with that kind of logic

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I think I get why chronicler likes water so much: they both have bad taste. :stuck_out_tongue:

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imagine being disgusted at the taste of water


Sparkling water is delicious.

especially La Croix

Sparkling water is what happens when you take two good drinks, and combine them in the worst way possible.


Ah yes, two good drinks

water and air


You’ve never put your mouth up to an air Conditioner on a hot day to drink the nice cold air?


don’t call me out like that


Do you really think I can afford an air conditioner? Because I can’t

Also, coca cola is the best drink. Certainly not for your teeth tho

Water is goated :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

I think Soda is truly underrated, it’s so yummy and tasty

I have been watching for so long… (on both of my accounts) it is time for MY OPINION TO BE OUT THERE ON AN UNDERRATED MESSAGE BOARD! I admit that the best drink is TEA (i was too late for the polls) BECAUSE: I can mix Zoloft in it if I’ve had a bad day! TWO: IF YOU ADD HONEY TO RASPBERRY TEA, IT IS THE MOST DELICIOUS DRINK IN THE UNIVERSE!!! Three: it is very easy to make, just add some leaves (OR ZOLOFT!) to some warm water, YOU ARE DONE!!! TAKE THAT CRONK!!!

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No. I refuse. :slight_smile:

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uh oh…