With one of the biggest gaming conventions in the world commencing in under week, I thought now would be a great time to make a topic to discuss anything and everything about E3 2016. This can include things like what you think will be / want to be revealed at E3 2016 and discussing the major press conferences or other events as they happen
Edit: Press conference schedule added and IGN livestream
I am, of course, very interested in seeing any new Halo announcements as I love the franchise. That being said, there’s a plethora of other stuff I’m interested in seeing.
Titanfall 2
Mass Effect Andromeda
Red Dead Redemption 2 (hopefully)
Call of Duty MWR
Batlefield 1
Skyrim Remaster (maybe?)
Destiny: Rise of Iron
Any Division DLC that may make me interested enough to come back to that game after its terribawful endgame content
I’m particularly interested in seeing what Halo-related stuff will be shown (Halo 6 teaser maybe?), as well as seeing what Battlefield 1’s gameplay will be like (since the WWI setting got my attention); so can’t wait to see announcements for those.
Overall, I can’t wait to see what there is to offer from all of the conferences; I just hope that EA’s conference won’t be as boring as it was last year.
I actually haven’t put what I am interested in seeing.
If you don’t already know, I’m big into simulation/racing games and the next Forza game is most likely going to be announced at E3 this year. Nobody in the Forza community knows if it’s going to be Forza Horizon 3 or a completely new spin-off game. However, we do know that the cover car is going to be the new Lamborghini Centenario
My hype for Zelda Wii U could not be higher. That being said, I’m going to avoid any demo reviews or gameplay footage till after I get, play and beat the game… sometime next year…
Yeessssssss i was just about to mention possible FH3 when i saw this topic pop up. So much hyyypppe. ME: Andromeda might be interesting, i think. What i’m really hoping is that at some point during E3, CD Projekt Red announces something Cyberpunk 2077 related
Aside from hoping for some cool surprises, I would really like to see more of Infinite Warfare, Battlefield 1, Horizon: Zero Dawn (even though it just got delayed), Titanfall 2, Watch Dogs 2, Dishonored 2 and Ace Combat 7 (they’ve been silent for about half a year now, it’s high time to see a new trailer and hopefully gameplay). At least of the games I’m interested in and can think about right now.
Would be really cool of Elder Scrolls VI got announced as well, although I really doubt it since it wasn’t that long ago Fallout 4 was released. It would be really great if they did though, I’m just not expecting it.
Also apparently CD Projekt Red is showing something new this E3, which I’m really stoked about. After the masterpiece that is The Witcher 3, I am infinitely curious of what it’s going to be.
Maybe we can actually have a new adventure game IP.
I’m so tired of all these shooting games. I want more adventure games with puzzles, action, and a rich story.
For example: anyone else tired of sci-fi games? I’m getting to that point, unless it’s Star Wars. I’m interested to see how Battlefield 1 turns out, because I’m quite the history buff.
Skyrim 2, Skyrim: Modern Warfare Remastered, Skyrim Pachinko, World of Skyrim, Skyrim Battlefron 3, Skyrim Wii U, Skyrim Sun and Skyrim Moon, Nintendo’s new console, the Skyrim, Grand Theft Skyrim Redempption 26 Online RED, The Last of Skyrim Tripple Redone: Extra Feels Edition and Skyrim Wars 6: Halo Chief.
Oh, I almost forgot V Ages at Skyrim’s 17.5 Sister World…