Neat build, though I think the lower legs look a bit odd from some angles. Good color layering on the torso, iffy elsewhere, but silver Vorox armor for the legs should be available soon. Hau… 1) it doesn’t fit with the rest of the colors and 2) everyone, their mother, and even their mothers’ dogs slap Haus on everything… Then again, that goes for most ‘red’ masks. Red/black or silver Kiril would probably work better in that regard. Weapons are very well done, though, especially the elemental sword.
Overall, there’s a few issues but I really like this MOC.
I really like his build, and I only have two major problems. The first is the feet. The Melum hands look really unstable and unsightly. I’m not sure why they are there. The second is the mask choice. He looks way too much like Tahu. Fix those two things and I will love him!