Eleta Toa of Water (WIP)

This is a self moc I made of my friend Mateo. He chose the mask, the colors, the weapon, and the element. After that, I went to building.


Proportion is too wonky to be stable from the upper section. I don’t like the torso choice since it leaves a bare T-bar on the waist, the leg guards seems nice; just wish you made the foot joint closer.

It looks very weird

bare bones moc try rework it

for inspiration
that is how you could make it

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The MOC does look very unfinished. Needs a bit more thickness. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to make a female MOC that is proportionately thick - in this scale, about 3 bricks wide in the stomach, all the way up the torso, should suffice. The CCBS bones you’re using on the thighs look too big for the shells you’re using, maybe bring them down a size or two. Lastly, if you added in some gold to match the mask, it’ll not only look more cohesive, but the gold would stand out against against her current dark coloration. Sorry to be all negative, but I’ve seen your MOCs and they look significantly better. I don’t doubt with a bit of effort this MOC will match them in quality.

to bloodarch: thanks for helping out with the insperation also i guess it kinda is unfinished.
to hawkflight: thankyou for helping out with how to update it, but its not a female moc. just telling you. also yes it kind of is unfinished.
EDIT: I just updated it. It’s better now, and has less floppy shoulders (yes it did have those) it has more gold, and supports for the shoulders.

Ah. Good to know. I made the assumption since it is a Toa of water, who are traditionally female. Also since the MOC of mine that was suggested happens to be female.


i referenced yours because it’s an excellent representation and it’s also recent

a male toa of water… hmm i’m thinking of peg legs arm cannons and a chained anchor as a road hog chain

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